Pet Visit
Honey, the quaker parrot, returned for a visit at the Day Program. She flew around and toured the space before settling in for a visit with a few people. We had some seeds to offer her, but she wasn’t interested today. While she was on the table Brad leaned in for a real close up! Quaker parrots can live to be 20-30 years old! Honey is about 5 years old now. Although we tried to get her to talk, she kept pretty quiet today.
Roxie the hedgehog also came for a visit. She is 4 years old and likes to eat cat food! We kept her wrapped in a towel because her little quills can be very pokey. Some people were brave enough to pet her while others decided just looking was great!
Cuddles the cat is 9 years old and was a big hit! He got some pets and snuggled and purred away.
We are grateful to Colette and Lexi for taking the time to bring their interesting collection of pets for a visit once again!!