Before West Central Abilities
In 1959 a group of parents from all over the province formed what is now known as the Saskatchewan Association of Community Living to work together for the rights of their children with intellectual disabilities to have an education. The local parents of this association got together and moved an old school house to the Kindersley area where an educational program for their children with intellectual disabilities would be provided. The Penner school was opened in 1961. As the students became young adults, they required more appropriate opportunities. At this time the Smith farm near Eatonia was purchased which provided both a residential facility and a small workshop to build on their talents and their skills.
West Central Abilities Beginnings…
In October of 1972 West Central Employment Industries was created as a non-profit organization. The residents moved from the Smith farm to the Ryder farm located on the east side of Kindersley. Here they grew a large garden each year, looked after a variety of farm animals and took responsibility for the care of the buildings and the grounds. Later, the Community Based Organization changed its name to West Central Farm Activities, then later on the organization was again changed, and known for many years as West Central Industries Inc.
1980 was an exciting year for the organization as the first separate residential facility was opened in the town of Kindersley. In 1981, a Sheltered Workshop at 1001 7th Avenue West was constructed and donated to West Central Industries by the Kinsmen Foundation. Here, high quality developmental programs were developed and implemented by a small group of staff. At the time, the main vocational activities were wedding decorations, wood work and wire salvaging.
A second residential facility at #502 8th Street West was purchased in 1988. During this year several people moved from Valley View Centre in Moose Jaw to West Central Industries. Also during this time, a Supportive Independent Living Program was started. A suite was constructed in the lower level of the new house where individuals would live independently, increase their independent living skills through additional supports, and move on to different living accommodations. The SIL program has expanded over the years providing supports to many individuals living on their own in the community.
This was also the year the agency expanded into the recycling business, operating a SARCAN depot at 1001 7th Avenue West. It provided employment, mainly for persons experiencing disability under the supervision of a depot manager.
The organization continued to expand, and in 1990 a third residential facility at #50 O’Connor Crescent was built to accommodate people moving out of Valley View Centre. The following year Saskatchewan Housing Corporation assisted with building another house at #403 2nd Avenue West that replaced the house purchased in 1980.
A Waste Management business was purchased in 1996. With much support from the business community, this venture was successful in providing employment for both community members and the clients of West Central Abilities. The agency sold its waste management business in 2014.
The board and its members felt the name West Central Industries no longer suited the agency nor the people it served, so in the summer of 2006 the board changed the name to West Central Abilities Inc. to reflect what the agency does, who it serves and what its main focus is.
Due to an increasing volume of recycling and a need for more space, in the fall of 2006 West Central Abilities purchased a new building at #106 Railway Avenue which is located closer to downtown Kindersley to operate its large SARCAN depot from. In turn, this move allowed interior renovations at 1001 7th Avenue West so that space for clients to use was greatly increased.
West Central Abilities Currently…
Community Based Programming is advancing within the community providing many more opportunities for designated clients to volunteer, build relationships, and develop skills in the community.
Programs have expanded and so has our professional team and WCA continues to grow and adapt to meet the everchanging needs of the clients we serve.