Valentine’s Day Fun
We had a wonderful time celebrating Valentine’s Day this year! We had worked the week earlier to create a mailbox for each individual to collect their Valentine’s Day cards and spent time colouring and crafting cards for each other. On Valentine’s Day everyone wore their pink and red and some even got fancy in skirts and dresses,
We kicked off Valentine’s Day with some LOVE YOURSELF stretching, taking care of our bodies and being kind to ourselves and others is essential!! Next, everyone delivered their Valentines to the mailboxes of others and then we opened them and read each other’s greetings!
In the afternoon we played Valentines Bingo, which is always a hit. Don’t listen to Liam, his bingo dabber does not smell like grapes, but it will make your nose purple!! LOL After everyone had won a prize, we listened to some love songs! It was a great day filled with smiles and laughter!!