Donating Opportunities
Make a Difference With Your Recycling!
Clean out your basement and support a good cause.
Have recycling sitting around? Don’t have time to take it to
SARCAN? We can help!
The West Central Abilities Community Based Program will be pick
up your refundable beverage containers and take them to SARCAN.
Refund money will go toward the
WCA Day Program Building Fund.
Call Regan at 306-463- 2727 ext. 4 to schedule a pick up!
With Drop & Go, you can come to SARCAN, skip the lines, drop off your
bags at your depot’s designated area and leave. It’s that easy!
Want to donate to the West Central Abilities New Day Program Fund??
You can do that quickly and easily at SARCAN Drop and Go!
Thank You!
West Central Abilities would like to extend a sincere THANK YOU to every person, business, group and organization who has made a donation to our new Program Building Fund! Our agency along with our community has been working hard to raise the money needed to build a new, safe, community centred facility where we can operate programs and meet the needs of the individuals we serve. We are excited to be moving forward with this building which will allow us to truly be in our community with our new location downtown.
We still have work to do to make this dream a reality but we wish to acknowledge everyone who has helped so far!
If you have questions about contributing to this project or want to learn more about West Central Abilities, please contact us at 306-463-2727 or via email at westcentralind@sasktel.net.
Our Donors
This is a list of cash donations received from April, 2015 until July, 2021 which were specifically designated by the donors for WCA new building. Our most sincere apologies to anyone we may have inadvertently missed or for any clerical errors. We gratefully acknowledge donations received for the many fundraising projects and to all those who supported and continue to support our fundraisers.